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What is Lateral Hiring In Recruitment

HR Trends
Pratisrutee Mishra
September 26, 2024

Nowadays, finding the right talent quickly is one of the top priorities for organizations in a competitive job market. For professionals like you, the need to fill specialized roles with experienced candidates who can make an immediate impact is more crucial than ever. This is where lateral hiring comes into play. 

Unlike traditional hiring, which often focuses on entry-level candidates or individuals seeking career advancement, lateral hiring is about bringing in seasoned professionals from other organizations who possess the specific skills, experience, and industry knowledge needed to hit the ground running.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the meaning of lateral hiring, the process involved, its benefits, challenges, and how HR professionals can implement effective strategies to ensure the success of lateral recruitment in their organizations.

What is Lateral Hiring in Recruitment?

Lateral hiring, also known as lateral recruitment, refers to the practice of recruiting experienced professionals from similar roles in other organizations. These individuals typically operate at the same level within the hierarchy but bring a wealth of experience, specialized skills, and industry knowledge that allows them to contribute effectively from day one.

According to industry insights, "lateral hiring focuses on comparable positions, whereas vertical hiring encompasses transitions across various organizational levels." This means that lateral hiring is designed to target candidates who are already well-versed in their roles, requiring minimal training or adjustment, and are capable of delivering immediate value to the organization.

When filling roles that require specific expertise, it is crucial to understand the nuances of lateral hiring. But how does the lateral recruitment process work in practice?

What is the Process of Lateral Recruitment?

The lateral recruitment process is a strategic approach that typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify Organizational Needs: The first step is to assess the specific skills and expertise required for the open position. This involves working closely with department heads to identify the gap that a lateral hire can fill.
  2. Sourcing Candidates: Utilize networking, headhunting, and professional platforms like LinkedIn to identify potential candidates who are currently employed in similar roles. HR professionals may also tap into industry events, seminars, and referral programs to discover suitable talent.
  3. Engagement: Reaching out to passive candidates is key in lateral hiring. This involves crafting compelling messages that highlight the benefits of joining your organization, such as career growth opportunities, company culture, and unique projects.
  4. Screening: Review resumes and conduct interviews to evaluate candidates' fit for the role and organizational culture. This may include assessing their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability to ensure they align with your company’s expectations.
  5. Offer and Onboarding: Once a suitable candidate is identified, extend an offer and facilitate a smooth onboarding process. This is crucial to help the new hire acclimate quickly and feel welcomed into the team.

How to Do Lateral Hiring

The process of lateral recruitment can be more targeted and efficient than traditional hiring, but it requires a clear strategy to ensure success. Implementing a successful lateral hiring process requires a strategic approach. Here are some key strategies that you should consider:

  1. Build a Candidate Persona: Create a detailed profile of the ideal candidate, including the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit. This will help in targeting the right professionals who can add immediate value to your organization.
  2. Leverage Networks: Utilize existing professional networks, industry contacts, and employee referrals to identify potential candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities but could be interested in the right offer.
  3. Craft an Irresistible Offer: Clearly communicate the advantages of joining your organization, including opportunities for growth, a positive work environment, and competitive compensation packages. Highlighting these benefits can make your offer more attractive to experienced professionals.
  4. Utilize Recruitment Firms: Partnering with external recruitment agencies can broaden your reach, giving you access to a wider pool of passive candidates with the skills and experience you need.
  5. Focus on Cultural Fit: Ensure that lateral hires align with your organization's values, work culture, and long-term goals. This helps facilitate a smoother integration process and reduces the risk of turnover.

The Benefits of Lateral Hiring

Lateral hiring can bring immense benefits to an organization, but it’s essential to understand why it’s a valuable strategy. Let's delve into the advantages that make lateral hiring a powerful online recruitment tool.

  1. Immediate Expertise: Lateral hires come equipped with relevant experience and skills, reducing training time significantly. They can start contributing to projects right away, making them valuable assets to the team.
  2. Fresh Perspectives: Experienced professionals bring new ideas, innovative approaches, and best practices from their previous roles, which can enhance organizational performance and drive growth.
  3. Faster Hiring Process: Since lateral candidates already possess the necessary qualifications and experience, the recruitment process is faster compared to traditional hiring methods.
  4. Reduced Risk of Turnover: Candidates who are well-matched for their roles and the company culture are less likely to leave, resulting in a more stable workforce.
  5. Enhanced Team Dynamics: Introducing experienced professionals can foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and improved team performance, leading to better outcomes for projects and initiatives.

Challenges of Lateral Hiring

While lateral hiring offers numerous advantages, HR professionals must be aware of potential challenges to navigate the process effectively. The challenges are:

  1. Cultural Integration: Ensuring that new hires acclimate to the existing company culture can be challenging. Misalignment may lead to friction within teams and affect overall productivity.
  2. Resistance from Internal Employees: Existing employees may feel threatened by lateral hires, leading to potential morale issues if not managed properly. It’s essential to communicate the value that lateral hires bring to the organization.
  3. Learning Curve: Even experienced professionals may face a learning curve as they adapt to new processes, tools, or organizational structures within your company.
  4. Potential for Overqualification: There’s a risk of hiring candidates who may be overqualified for the role, leading to dissatisfaction if they feel underutilized.
  5. Higher Salary Expectations: Lateral hires often come with higher salary demands due to their experience and expertise, which may strain the organization’s budget if not planned properly.

Recognizing these challenges allows HR professionals to implement strategies that ensure the successful integration and retention of lateral hires.

5 Ways to Improve Retention of Lateral Hires

Retention is a critical factor in the success of lateral hiring. Here are five strategies to enhance retention among lateral hires:

  1. Comprehensive Onboarding Programs: Invest in structured onboarding processes that help new hires acclimate quickly and feel welcomed into the company culture.
  2. Mentorship Opportunities: Pair lateral hires with mentors within the organization to provide guidance, support, and insights during their transition.
  3. Regular Feedback Mechanisms: Implement regular check-ins and feedback sessions to address concerns early on and ensure alignment with expectations.
  4. Career Development Plans: Offer clear pathways for professional growth to keep lateral hires engaged and motivated, reducing the likelihood of turnover.
  5. Foster Inclusion: Encourage team-building activities that integrate lateral hires into existing teams, promoting collaboration and relationship-building.

By implementing these strategies, HR professionals can ensure that lateral hires remain engaged, motivated, and committed to the organization’s goals.


Lateral hiring is a powerful recruitment strategy that enables organizations to bring in experienced professionals who can contribute immediately. For HR professionals and CHROs, effectively implementing this strategy can enhance the workforce with fresh perspectives, specialized knowledge, and industry insights. However, to maximize the benefits, it’s crucial to address the challenges associated with cultural integration, team dynamics, and retention proactively.

By following the best practices and strategies outlined in this guide, HR professionals can leverage lateral hiring to build a more skilled, dynamic, and productive workforce that drives organizational success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

How is lateral hiring different from traditional hiring?

Lateral hiring focuses on recruiting experienced professionals from similar roles within other organizations, while traditional hiring often targets entry-level candidates or those looking for upward mobility within a company.

What is an example of lateral hiring?

An example of lateral hiring could involve a technology firm seeking a seasoned project manager from a competing company who has successfully led similar projects in the past. This individual would bring valuable insights into industry best practices without needing extensive training.

How can organizations improve retention in lateral hiring?

To improve retention among lateral hires, organizations should implement comprehensive onboarding programs, mentorship opportunities, regular feedback mechanisms, clear career development plans, and foster an inclusive workplace culture.

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