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Talent Management Guide 2024: A Comprehensive Rule Book to Manage Talent!

high potential
Pratisrutee Mishra
June 27, 2024

When you wish to outperform your competitors, one sure shot way to higher productivity is to manage your talents right. The report by McKinsey survey in 2018 validates this with numbers: It revealed that 99% of companies with highly effective talent management outperform their competitors. 

However, 'effective talent management' is subjective to the size, level, industry, and teams of an organization. What's your talent management strategy for 2024? Does it directly align with your goals? Have you leveraged HRTech for managing your talent? If not, hold tight. This blog compiles all necessary data you would need to choose the right plan and adapt best HR technologies. Let's start!

What is Talent Management?

talent management in hrm

In the mid 20th century, talent management was not a prevalent term used for HR operations. There were roughly a set of practices followed by managers to optimize organizational productivity and growth. Later in the late 1990s, McKinsey & Company coined the term “talent management.” that referred to optimization of teams and human capital in organizations to help collateral and simultaneous growth of employees and firms. 

Soon an influential research project led to the publication of The War for Talent, emphasizing that a company’s success is ideally hinged on top managers’ performance. Today, this concept resonates widely, and the objectives of talent management evolved into being the cornerstone of modern human resources practices.

Why is Talent Management Important?

The focus of talent management shifted to more intrinsic aspects of human resource management. It included workforce planning, recruitment, employee development, and performance appraisal. All of these aspects greatly contribute to uplifting the overall productivity of an organization. Here's a table to help you understand the impact better: 

concept of talent management

Benefits of Talent Management

talent management process

As the HR talent management directly impacts the growth of an organization by influencing the workforce constitution, fostering company culture, honing industry leaders, encouraging measurable outputs and elevating experience of employment. Here is how you can confirm your HR talent management is 'effective': 

  • You are invested in better hiring: It helps to attract and retain qualified candidates, ensuring a skilled workforce.
  • You focus on increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I): Effective talent management fosters a diverse workplace, promoting innovation and creativity.
  • Your teams have a deeper employee engagement: Engaged employees are more productive, committed, and aligned with organizational goals.
  • You have minimized attrition, fostering long term association with employees: Retaining top talent reduces recruitment costs and maintains institutional knowledge.
  • You have justified and improved succession planning and appraisal strategy: Identifying and grooming future leaders ensures organizational continuity.

What are Examples of Talent Management in HRM?

The twist to the concept of talent management shows up when we execute the plans in reality. It does not follow the policy of "one size fits all" in any way. Hence, managing talents may require you to identify the gaps in your team's abilities and goals of your organization. Here's a few talent management in hrm examples to help you understand:

8 Talent Management in HRM Initiatives

talent management

There are many initiatives HRs take to align objectives of talent management with their organization’s culture, values, and business goals. By adopting a forward-thinking approach, you’ll unlock hidden talent and create a positive impact on your workforce. Here are some initiatives the big organizations took as a part of their talent management strategy:

  1. Google’s “20% Time” Policy: Google encourages employees to spend 20% of their work time on personal projects or innovative ideas. This initiative fosters creativity, skill development, and cross-functional collaboration. Notable products like Gmail and Google News originated from this policy.
  2. Deloitte’s “Mass Career Customization”: Deloitte offers personalized career paths based on individual preferences, skills, and life stages. Employees can choose different tracks, such as part-time work, sabbaticals, or project-based roles, enhancing retention and engagement.
  3. Salesforce’s “Trailhead” Learning Platform: Salesforce provides a gamified learning platform called Trailhead. Employees earn badges and certifications by completing modules related to Salesforce products, soft skills, and industry trends. It promotes continuous learning and skill development.
  4. IBM’s “Blue Talent Program”: IBM identifies high-potential employees early in their careers and fast-tracks their development. These individuals receive mentorship, exposure to senior leaders, and challenging assignments to accelerate their growth.
  5. Zappos’ Holacracy Model: Zappos, an online retailer, implemented a self-management system called Holacracy. Employees have more autonomy, participate in decision-making circles, and take on roles based on their strengths and interests.
  6. Unilever’s “U-Start” Program: Unilever’s U-Start program targets recent graduates. It offers rotational assignments across different functions and geographies, allowing participants to explore various roles and build a diverse skill set.
  7. Netflix’s “Keeper Test”: Netflix evaluates employees based on whether they would fight to keep them in the organization. This approach emphasizes retaining top talent and aligning performance with long-term goals.
  8. Adobe’s “Check-In” Conversations: Adobe replaced annual performance reviews with regular check-in conversations. Managers and employees discuss goals, feedback, and development needs, fostering continuous improvement.

Talent management Terms and Concepts you Need to Know

Talent Management models are frameworks for human resource professionals. It draws a clear map of what technology they must leverage, what approach suits the organizational needs, availability of employees, and more as such. Here are two distinguishable foundational models of talent management:

1. Traditional Talent Management Model

concept of talent management

This segments the talent management process into five distinct aspects. This helps HR chunk the employee cycle into broad categories that directly align with organizational goals. The categories are as follows:

  • Planning: Aligning talent management with overall organizational goals.
  • Attraction: Strategically attracting talent.
  • Onboarding: Ensuring smooth integration for new hires.
  • Retention: Keeping valuable employees engaged.
  • Transition: Managing employee exits effectively.

It capitalizes on employees as the organization’s most critical asset, driving performance, innovation, and team productivity

2. 30-60-90 Day Plan

hr talent management 30-60-90 days

A 30-60-90 day plan is a document created by new employees or hiring managers. It outlines goals to achieve during the first three months of employment, breaking them down into 30-, 60-, and 90- day increments.

The plan, unlike traditional talent management, aligns indirectly with the company’s mission and focuses more on employees as 'individual contributors'. This highlights specific milestones, simplifies their tasks through quarters, and improves engagement. 

Benefits of this model include improved performance, competitiveness, innovation, productive teams, and reduced turnover.

Talent Management Strategy and Process

talent management strategy and process

The talent management strategies essentially surround  foundational talent management models, subjective aids and precautions, trending technology and cultures. The execution of talent management strategies typically follows a six step process, that starts with planning and ends with transitioning: 

Step-1- Planning

This step involves identification of human capital needs, key roles, and recruitment plans and check their alignment with the business strategy. The areas of concern in this step are: 

  • Identify Needs: Understand the organization’s strategic goals and workforce requirements.
  • Succession Planning: Identify critical roles and potential successors.
  • Workforce Analytics: Use data to make informed talent decisions.

Step-2- Attracting

In the next step, employers attempt to attract potential talent who fits well with the culture and shares the vision of the organization. This step requires HRs to concentrate on factors such as:

  • Recruitment: Source candidates through job postings, referrals, and external agencies.
  • Employer Branding: Showcase the organization’s culture and values.
  • Selection Criteria: Define clear criteria for candidate evaluation.

Step-3- Selecting

The third most critical step to talent management is assessing and filtering candidates from a huge pool. Choosing them on the rightly standardized or customized criteria is the major hurdle for the recruiters. This step involves:

  • Screening: Assess resumes, conduct interviews, and use assessments.
  • Fitment Assessment: Evaluate cultural fit and job fit trait alignment with company values.
  • Decision-Making: Selecting the top talents in the market.

Step-4- Developing

Then comes the maintenance of the workforce, it consists of practical investments and employee growth mapping. This helps in driving engagement and 

  • Learning & Development: Provide training, mentorship, and growth opportunities.
  • Performance Management: Regularly assess performance and provide feedback.
  • Career Pathing: Help employees plan their career trajectory.

Step-5- Retaining

The second last step to execution of talent management strategies is to create a positive employee experience and improve engagement. This targets to reduce turnover and involves calibration of the following aspects in an organization:

  • Employee Experience: Create a positive work environment.
  • Recognition & Rewards: Acknowledge and appreciate employee contributions.
  • Work-Life Balance: Support well-being and work-life integration.

Step-6- Transitioning

The last step of this process includes managing talent movement within the organization and while dropping off the organization. It concerns the following section related to performance appraisal: 

  • Promotions & Transfers: Facilitate internal mobility.
  • Succession Execution: Implement succession plans.
  • Offboarding: Handle employees exiting the position professionally.

Talent Management Best Practices

concept of talent management

The best practices of talent management in the industry follows throughout the employment cycle. This covers right decision making from candidate selection to employee off-boarding. Below is a detailed account of how you can ensure your talent management is following the best practices:

Pre-Hire Candidate Job Assessment

  • Define Assessment Goals: Clearly identify the skills, personality traits, or cultural fit you want to evaluate.
  • Choose the Right Assessments: Select tools aligned with your goals and specific job requirements.
  • Use Your Assessment Early: Let assessments do the heavy lifting to save recruiters’ time.

Post-Hire Employee Assessment:

  • Inform Employees: Ensure everyone knows about assessment timing, feedback processes, and benchmarks for performance.
  • Review Personnel Files: Regularly review previous assessments, feedback, and performance data3.
  • Continuous Listening: Use brief weekly or monthly surveys to track evolving employee sentiments.

Employee Surveys

  • Pulse Surveys: Conduct periodic surveys on engagement, inclusion, manager quality, etc.
  • Maintain Confidentiality: Ensure anonymity and confidentiality in survey responses.
  • Act on Feedback Swiftly: Use survey data to drive meaningful improvements in engagement and satisfaction.

Workforce Predictive Analytics

  • Predictive Models: Implement predictive analytics for workforce planning and other HR decisions.
  • Data Accuracy: Focus on high-quality data to build a solid foundation.
  • Scale Up Data Science: For employee selection, development, and engagement decisions, consider a scaled-up data-science operation.

Talent Management Analytics

Talent analytics, also known as HR analytics or people analytics, involves using data to gain insights into employee engagement, performance, retention, and attrition. Organizations are hence increasingly using analytics to improve retention, identify talent gaps, and optimize workforce decisions.

To ensure your analytics are strong and accurate, consider tracking KPIs such as turnover rate, cost-to-hire, and yield ratios. One way to automate tracking these KPIs is by leveraging robust HRM software.

Talent Management Trends

The trends of talent management in the 20th century differ significantly in the 21st century. The change brings forth the vision of a highly productive and fast-paced working culture in all organizations. A few prominent paradigm shifts are as follows:

  • Human-Centric Productivity: Leveraging AI, assessments, and calibrating work design to enhance productivity.
  • Anchor to Trust & Equity: Fostering trust through fair pay, equity, and inclusion.
  • Boost the Corporate Immune System: Building resilient cultures with risk-aware and healthy teams.
  • Cultivate a Digital-First Culture: Designing adaptive, digitally fluent organizations where people thrive.


People are organizations' greatest asset. And managing them is the foundational block of growing an organization. It must be noted that the role of talent management is incomplete without talent assessments. As this guide informs you about the latest trends and hacks of approaching talent management, PMaps Assessment thrives to keep you ahead in the competition with cutting edge talent assessment tools. 

To know more about our talent management solution, contact us at or call us on +918591320212.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

What are the key components of talent management?

The role of talent management operates with seven key components, those are: strategic HR planning, onboarding, employee retention, learning and career development, performance management, role transitions, and talent management systems. 

What falls under talent management?

The talent management process broadly comprises recruitment/hiring, learning and development, employee experience, workforce planning and performance appraisal. 

What is a talent management framework?

The talent management framework is a blueprint of approach that defines the goals, process, system and tools. This can be subjectively different from one organization to the other. However, talent management is objectively the same through all industries globally.

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