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PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard

Analytics and Technology
Sonali K Sawant
May 24, 2024

Welcome to the PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard

Explore the Power of Your Assessment Data

At PMaps, we are dedicated to providing you with cutting-edge tools to enhance your hiring and talent management processes. Our latest feature, the Descriptive Analytics Dashboard, offers a comprehensive view of your assessment data, empowering you to make informed, data-driven decisions with ease.

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PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard - Quick Tour

Explore the Features

Real-Time Data Overview

  • Snapshot of Assessment Usage: Instantly view a comprehensive snapshot of your assessment usage, updated in real time. This feature allows you to monitor both recent activities and historical trends, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your assessment patterns.
  • Assessment Tokens Tracking: Easily track the number of assessment tokens used and available. This feature helps you manage your assessment inventory effectively and plan for future needs.
  • Fit and Unfit Candidates Distribution: A pie chart displays the distribution of fit and unfit candidates based on the assessments conducted. This visual representation helps you quickly assess the quality of your candidate pool.

Usage Trends

  • Tokens Usage Over Time: The "Tokens Usage Over Time" graph provides a clear visual representation of the number of assessments conducted over specific time intervals. This line graph highlights peaks and troughs in usage, offering insights into assessment activity patterns.
  • High and Low Activity Periods: At the bottom of the dashboard, key statistics show the maximum number of assessments conducted during the specified period. This feature helps you identify periods of high and low assessment activity easily, enabling better resource allocation.

Assessment Performance

  • Assessment Design Summary: This table provides a detailed breakdown of each assessment used. On the left, you can see the unique Test IDs and their corresponding test designs. The "Tokens Used" column shows the number of times each assessment has been utilized.
  • Overall Fit Percentage: The "Overall Fit" column indicates the percentage of candidates who were deemed a good fit based on the assessment results. This comprehensive view helps you track and analyze the performance of different assessments at a glance.

Region-Wise Analysis

  • Overall Region-Wise Usage: This section provides a detailed region-wise analysis of assessment performance. The bar graph on the left shows the number of candidates who have taken the assessment, while the table on the right breaks down the psychometry fit, aptitude fit, overall fit, and the total number of assessments.
  • Regional Insights: Understand how different assessments perform across various metrics in different regions. This detailed analysis helps you evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of each test for your specific hiring needs.

Score Analysis

  • Behavioral Competency Chart: This bar graph compares the performance of candidates who passed versus those who failed across various competencies. Identify gaps in certain areas to understand where candidates excel or need improvement.
  • Cognitive & Skills Sections Chart: This graph measures candidates' performance in the Cognitive and Skills sections against a set benchmark. These detailed insights help you pinpoint strengths and weaknesses, enabling more targeted and effective candidate evaluation and development.

Why Choose PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard?

  • Comprehensive Overview: Get a complete snapshot of your assessment usage, updated in real time. Our dashboard offers insights into your data over the past year and since inception, giving you a clear picture of your assessment trends.
  • Interactive and User-Friendly: Easily navigate through various sections to explore detailed statistics, graphs, and tables. Adjust the date range to suit your needs and download data instantly for further analysis.
  • Detailed Insights: From assessment tokens usage to region-wise performance, our dashboard provides detailed analysis, helping you understand the effectiveness of your assessments across different metrics.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor key statistics like the maximum number of assessments conducted, tokens used, and the distribution of fit and unfit candidates. Identify periods of high and low assessment activity with ease.

Empower Your HR Decisions

With the PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard, you gain the ability to make data-driven HR decisions that enhance your hiring outcomes and optimize your talent management processes. Empower your organization with insights that drive success.

Watch the Video Tour

Explore the features of our Descriptive Analytics Dashboard in our detailed video tour. See how easy it is to navigate and utilize this powerful tool to enhance your HR strategies.

Get Started Today!

Visit for more information or contact our Customer Success team at or +91 8591320212. Book a personalized demo to experience the PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard in action.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

1. What is the PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard?

The PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that provides real-time insights into your assessment data. If you are already a PMaps User, it helps you track and analyze assessment usage, candidate performance, and overall assessment effectiveness.

2. How can I access the PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard?

You can access the dashboard by logging into your PMaps account and navigating to the "Dashboard" section to the Descriptive tab under it. If you need further assistance, please contact our support team at

3. Can I customize the date range for the data displayed on the dashboard?

Yes, you can customize the date range using the calendar tool on the right side of the dashboard. This allows you to view and analyze data for any specific period you choose. You can select upto 30 days max in the range.

4. How can I download the data from the dashboard?

You can download your data instantly by clicking on the "Download" button available on the dashboard. This feature allows you to export data for further analysis.

5. What type of data can I see on the main dashboard?

The main dashboard provides a snapshot of your assessment usage, including the number of assessment tokens used, the distribution of fit and unfit candidates, and key statistics such as the maximum number of assessments conducted during a specified period.

6. How does the "Tokens Usage Over Time" graph help me?

The "Tokens Usage Over Time" graph shows the number of assessments conducted over specific time intervals. This helps you understand assessment activity patterns, including peaks and troughs in usage.

7. What information is available in the "Assessment Design Summary" table?

The "Assessment Design Summary" table provides a detailed breakdown of each assessment used, including unique Test IDs, test designs, tokens used, and the overall fit percentage of candidates.

8. Can I see regional data on the dashboard?

Yes, the "Overall Region Wise Usage" section provides a detailed region-wise analysis of assessment performance, including the number of candidates assessed, psychometry fit, aptitude fit, and overall fit metrics.

9. What insights can I gain from the "Score Analysis" section?

The "Score Analysis" section includes the Behavioral Competency chart and the Cognitive & Skills Sections chart. These graphs help you compare the performance of candidates across various competencies and measure their performance against set benchmarks.

10. How does the dashboard help in making data-driven HR decisions?

The PMaps Descriptive Analytics Dashboard provides comprehensive and real-time insights into your assessment data, enabling you to make informed, data-driven HR decisions. It helps you track assessment performance, identify trends, and optimize your hiring and talent management processes.

11. Who can I contact for more information or support?

For more information or support, please contact our Customer Success team at or call us at +91 8591320212.

12. How do I book a personalized demo of the Descriptive Analytics Dashboard?

To book a personalized demo, visit our website and raise a calendar as per your availability. We will be happy to show you how the dashboard can benefit your organization.

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