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How to Prevent Online Test Cheating? Advanced PMaps Proctors

Pratisrutee Mishra
September 18, 2024

As remote work and learning continue to rise, it makes the credibility of online tests a more essential factor for quality evaluation. Did you know that the global online exam proctoring market is projected to soar to $1.2 billion by 2026? This surge underscores the urgent need for robust AI solutions to combat cheating and uphold professional standards.

Some recent studies reveal that online proctoring can reduce cheating incidents by up to 50%, leveraging advanced AI algorithms and real-time monitoring to detect and deter dishonest behavior. With 86% of students affirming the effectiveness of these measures, it’s clear that proctoring technologies are not just a trend but a necessity.

In this blog we will discuss how AI-based proctoring, lockdown browsers, and comprehensive identity verification are setting new benchmarks for exam integrity. We will equip you with the insights that are necessary to make a safe choice for online test security. Afterall, you need to safeguard your organization’s assessment processes in order to ensure fairness and objectivity in every test you take. 

Addressing the Challenge: Preventing Cheating on Online Tests 

As we navigate the complexities of candidates' cheating behavior, it’s crucial to address the specific challenges faced in online recruitments without advanced proctoring systems. Let’s explore these challenges in detail and uncover the statistics that highlight the importance of robust proctoring solutions in maintaining the integrity of recruitment assessments. 

1. Ensuring Candidate Authenticity: One of the primary challenges is verifying that the candidate taking the test is indeed the person they claim to be. A survey by SHRM found that 75% of HR professionals reported concerns about the authenticity of candidates in online assessments.

2. Preventing the Use of Unauthorized Resources: Candidates may have access to unauthorized resources, such as notes, textbooks, or the internet, which can compromise the integrity of the assessment. According to a report by Personnel Today, 22% of companies have increased their budget for e-recruitment technology to address such issues.

3. Monitoring Technological Aids: The use of technological aids, such as smartphones and smartwatches, poses a significant challenge in online assessments. AI-based proctoring tools have shown a 95% accuracy rate in detecting suspicious behavior during exams.

4. Balancing Privacy and Cheating Prevention: While preventing cheating is crucial, it is equally important to respect candidates’ privacy. Invasive monitoring techniques can lead to concerns about privacy and stress among candidates. A survey revealed that 30% of candidates expressed concerns about privacy and the stress associated with being monitored during online assessments.

5. Addressing Technological Barriers: Candidates from different regions may face technological barriers, such as inconsistent internet access, which can affect their performance in online assessments. Research indicates that 11.5% of employers cited an underwhelming number of applicants due to technological barriers.

Common Cheating Methods and How to Prevent Them in Online Exams

Understanding the various methods candidates might use to cheat in online exams is essential for employing or adopting effective prevention features of proctoring systems. Here are some common cheating behaviors along with the effective strategies to prevent them:

1. Using Unauthorized Resources- Students may use textbooks, notes, or the internet to find answers during the exam. Implement lockdown browsers that restrict access to other applications and websites during the exam.

2. Impersonation- A student may have someone else take the exam on their behalf. Use robust identity verification methods, such as biometric authentication and real-time ID checks, to ensure the test-taker’s identity.

3. Collaboration with Others- Students may collaborate with peers to share answers during the exam. Employ AI-based proctoring tools that monitor for unusual behavior, such as multiple people in the room or excessive talking.

4. Using Technological Aids- Students might use smartphones, smartwatches, or other devices to access information or communicate with others. Proctoring tools that detect the use of external devices and monitor for suspicious behavior can help mitigate this issue.

5. Screen Sharing- Students may share their screen with someone else who can provide answers. Use proctoring software that detects screen sharing and alerts the proctor to any unauthorized activity.

6. Plagiarism- Students might copy answers from online sources or previous exams. Utilize plagiarism detection software to check for copied content and ensure originality.

7. Manipulating Exam Environment- Students may manipulate their exam environment, such as placing notes out of the camera’s view. Use 360-degree webcams to provide a comprehensive view of the test environment and ensure no unauthorized materials are present.

8. Technical Exploits- Students might exploit technical vulnerabilities in the exam software to gain an unfair advantage. Regularly update and secure exam software to prevent technical exploits and ensure a fair testing environment.

Types of Remote Proctoring in Online Assessments

To effectively prevent cheating in online exams, it’s crucial to understand the different types of remote proctoring available. Here are the main types, along with best practices in the industry and insights from PMaps proctoring services:

  • Live Proctoring: A live proctor monitors the candidate in real-time through a webcam. It must be ensured that proctors are well-trained to identify suspicious behavior and provide immediate intervention if necessary. 
  • Recorded Proctoring: The candidate’s exam session is recorded and reviewed later by a proctor. Here the use of advanced analytics is to flag suspicious activities for review, ensuring a thorough and efficient evaluation process. PMaps’ recorded proctoring services utilize AI algorithms to analyze recordings and highlight potential cheating behaviors, making the review process more efficient.
  • Automated Proctoring: AI algorithms monitor the candidate’s behavior during the exam, detecting and flagging suspicious activities. You can deploy a proctoring system that is continuously updated and refined with AI algorithms to improve accuracy and reduce false positives. For instance, PMaps’ automated proctoring leverages cutting-edge AI technology to monitor candidates in real-time, providing instant alerts for any irregularities.
  • Hybrid Proctoring: Combines live and automated proctoring to provide a comprehensive monitoring solution. The best practice is to integrate the strengths of both live and automated proctoring to ensure maximum coverage and accuracy. 

How to Prevent Online Cheating Using Proctoring Solutions

Ensuring the integrity of online assessments is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility in the recruitment process. Here are detailed strategies to prevent online cheating using proctoring solutions, tailored to resonate with HR professionals:

  1. Live Proctoring: Live proctoring involves a third-person monitoring system where a proctor observes candidates through their webcams throughout the examination. This setup allows for immediate intervention if any suspicious behavior is detected, much like having a vigilant invigilator overseeing a physical exam room. The presence of a live proctor ensures that candidates are fully aware they are being observed, which serves as a significant deterrent against cheating attempts. This proactive approach not only enhances the integrity of the assessment but also fosters a fair and transparent testing environment.
  2. Automated Proctoring: Automated proctoring utilizes advanced AI algorithms to continuously monitor candidates' behavior during exams. These algorithms are designed to detect suspicious activities with remarkable accuracy, functioning as an ever-watchful assistant that never blinks. By analyzing patterns in real-time, automated proctoring ensures that any irregularities—such as unusual movements or actions—are flagged for review. This technology provides a fair assessment environment by minimizing the chances of dishonest practices while maintaining a seamless testing experience for candidates.
  3. Recorded Proctoring: Recorded proctoring captures the entire exam session on video, allowing for comprehensive post-exam analysis and review. This method is akin to having security cameras installed in an exam hall, enabling the examination board to revisit footage to identify any cheating attempts that may have gone unnoticed during the live session. The ability to review recorded sessions adds an extra layer of security and accountability, ensuring that all candidates are held to the same standards of integrity.
  4. Hybrid Proctoring: Hybrid proctoring combines the strengths of both live and automated proctoring methods to maximize coverage and accuracy. This integrated approach leverages human intuition alongside AI precision, creating a robust monitoring system that ensures no suspicious activity goes undetected. By utilizing both technologies, organizations can enhance their examination integrity while providing a more comprehensive oversight mechanism that adapts to various testing scenarios.
  5. Identity Verification: Implementing identity verification before the exam is crucial in confirming that the individual taking the test is indeed the enrolled candidate. Similar to checking IDs in a physical exam setting, this process helps prevent impersonation and ensures that the right person is participating in the assessment. Techniques such as biometric authentication—including facial recognition or fingerprint scanning—are employed to verify identities, thereby reinforcing the credibility of the examination process.
  6. Lockdown Browsers: Lockdown browsers play a vital role in maintaining exam integrity by restricting access to other applications and websites during the test. This technology effectively locks down candidates’ devices, preventing them from using unauthorized resources such as notes or online materials. Imagine securing all entrances and exits in an exam room; lockdown browsers ensure that candidates cannot sneak in cheat sheets or access external help, thereby fostering a fair testing environment.
  7. 360-Degree Webcam: The use of 360-degree webcams provides a comprehensive view of the candidate's testing environment, enabling proctors to detect any unauthorized materials or devices present around them. This panoramic perspective is similar to having an all-seeing eye in an exam hall, ensuring that no hidden resources are available to candidates during their assessments. By thoroughly scanning the surroundings, organizations can maintain a clean and fair testing atmosphere.
  8. Audio and Video Recording: Recording both audio and video during an exam allows for detailed post-exam reviews of any suspicious activities. This method functions like maintaining a thorough log of all actions taken during the assessment, providing valuable insights into candidate behavior. In cases where cheating is suspected, this recorded data can be instrumental in identifying potential violations and enforcing accountability.
  9. AI-Based Behavior Analysis: AI-driven behavior analysis utilizes sophisticated algorithms to monitor candidates for signs of cheating by detecting unusual patterns such as excessive eye movement or frequent screen switching. Think of it as having an AI detective on duty—constantly observing subtle cues and behaviors that might indicate dishonest practices. This proactive monitoring enhances the integrity of online assessments by ensuring that any anomalies are promptly addressed.
  10. Environment Scanning: Environment scanning involves assessing the candidate’s surroundings for unauthorized materials before the exam begins. This thorough inspection is akin to conducting a meticulous room check prior to an assessment, ensuring that no hidden resources are present that could compromise test integrity. By confirming a clean testing environment, organizations can foster fairness and transparency throughout the assessment process.
  11. Real-Time Alerts: Real-time alerts provide immediate notifications to proctors if any suspicious activity is detected during an examination. This system acts like an alarm bell, signaling when something unusual occurs so that quick action can be taken. The ability to respond instantly helps maintain exam integrity and ensures that any potential cheating is addressed without delay.
  12. Secure Exam Delivery: Ensuring secure delivery of exam content is essential in preventing unauthorized access to assessment materials. This process functions similarly to safeguarding sensitive documents in a secure vault—only authorized individuals should be able to access exam content. By implementing robust security measures around exam delivery, organizations can protect their assessments from external threats.
  13. Data Encryption: Data encryption plays a critical role in securing all information related to online exams, ensuring candidate privacy and data integrity. Think of it as placing all sensitive data into a secure lockbox; encryption protects this information from unauthorized access and potential breaches. By safeguarding candidate data through encryption, organizations can uphold trust and confidentiality throughout the examination process.

How PMaps Proctor helps in preventing cheating?

PMaps Proctor significantly mitigates cheating incidents, boasting a remarkable 95% reduction rate. This impressive decrease is a testament to the platform’s robust monitoring capabilities and its commitment to maintaining the integrity of online assessments. 

Hence, we are at the forefront of online assessment security, utilizing advanced technologies to provide unparalleled protection against cheating and malpractice. Here’s how advanced features of PMaps Proctor helps in preventing cheating:

  1. AI-Enhanced Security: PMaps Proctor leverages cutting-edge AI technology to monitor candidates in real-time. This includes AI-monitored captures and machine learning-driven analysis to detect and deter dishonest behavior. The AI algorithms are designed to identify browser switching, face recognition, video monitoring, and voice detection, ensuring a secure testing environment.
  2. Comprehensive Monitoring: PMaps Proctor offers customizable, real-time monitoring solutions that include live proctoring, automated proctoring, and recorded proctoring. These methods ensure continuous vigilance, whether through human invigilators or AI-driven systems, providing a robust defense against cheating.
  3. Identity Verification: The platform includes automated candidate verification processes such as biometric authentication and real-time ID checks. This ensures that the person taking the test is indeed the enrolled candidate, preventing impersonation and maintaining the integrity of the assessment.
  4. Environment Scanning: PMaps Proctor uses advanced sensors to scan the candidate’s environment for unauthorized materials and devices. This includes detecting eye movements, body posture, and sounds from the background, as well as identifying on-screen activities and unknown gadgets plugged into the system.
  5. Lockdown Browsers: The platform employs lockdown browsers to restrict access to other applications and websites during the exam. This prevents candidates from using unauthorized resources and ensures they remain focused on the exam.
  6. Audio and Video Recording: PMaps Proctor records the candidate’s webcam and screen during the exam, allowing for thorough post-exam review. This helps in identifying any suspicious activities that may have occurred during the test.
  7. Real-Time Alerts: The system provides instant alerts to proctors if any suspicious activity is detected. This allows for immediate intervention and resolution, ensuring that any irregularities are promptly addressed.
  8. Proctor Rank: PMaps Proctor includes a unique Proctor Rank, a credibility indicator derived from advanced machine learning algorithms. This helps quickly assess candidate integrity and make informed decisions based on detailed analysis.
  9. Data Encryption: All data related to the exam is encrypted, ensuring the security and privacy of candidate information. This protects exam data from unauthorized access and maintains the confidentiality of the assessment process.
  10. User-Friendly Interface: PMaps Proctor is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for both candidates and proctors. This high level of usability contributes to a 90% candidate satisfaction rate, highlighting the platform’s effectiveness and fairness. 


We understand that for HR managers and leaders like you, creating a fair and credible recruitment process is key to building a workforce you can trust. Therefore, we are continually ensuring the integrity of our online exams so it becomes a shared responsibility to make hiring and talent evaluation better.

PMaps Proctor offers a comprehensive suite of proctoring solutions designed to prevent cheating and uphold the highest standards of assessment integrity. By leveraging advanced technologies such as AI, biometric authentication, and real-time monitoring, our system provides a robust defense against dishonest practices. 

We ensure that every candidate is evaluated fairly and accurately. Call us at +919819993091 or mail us on to embrace the future of secure online assessments today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

How does remote proctoring help in preventing cheating?

Remote proctoring helps prevent cheating by monitoring candidates in real-time through webcams and AI algorithms. It detects suspicious behaviors such as unauthorized resource usage, impersonation, and collaboration with others. Proctors can intervene immediately if any irregularities are detected, ensuring a secure and fair testing environment.

What is a secure browser, and how does it work to stop cheating?

A secure browser, also known as a lockdown browser, restricts access to other applications, websites, and functionalities on a candidate’s device during an exam. It prevents candidates from using unauthorized resources, such as the internet or notes, by locking down the testing environment. This ensures that candidates can only access the exam content and nothing else.

How can identity verification prevent cheating in online exams?

Identity verification prevents cheating by ensuring that the person taking the exam is the enrolled candidate. This process typically involves biometric authentication, such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, and real-time ID checks. By verifying the candidate’s identity before and during the exam, institutions can prevent impersonation and ensure the integrity of the assessment.

What role does AI play in preventing cheating during online exams?

AI plays a crucial role in preventing cheating by continuously monitoring candidates’ behavior during online exams. AI algorithms can detect unusual patterns, such as excessive eye movement, screen switching, or the presence of unauthorized devices. These algorithms provide real-time alerts to proctors, enabling immediate intervention and reducing the likelihood of cheating.

How can PMaps help in preventing cheating?

Employers can enable the feature of proctoring in PMaps online assessments by integrating these proctoring solutions into their existing assessment processes. PMaps provides customizable options to meet the unique needs of each organization, ensuring a secure and fair testing environment.

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