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4 Best Performance Appraisal Methods in HRM

Post Hire
Pratisrutee Mishra
July 11, 2024

Are you still following the traditional methods of performance appraisal? Evidence says, traditional performance appraisal lacks efficiency, is de-motivational, discourages teamwork, and is inflexible. Moreover, they hurt your pockets! With this guide to modern methods of performance appraisal, we aim to introduce you to the best cost efficient alternative of appraisal systems. Let's bring on the change, together. 

What is  Performance Appraisal?

Simon Sinek quote on performance appraisal methods

Performance Appraisal is a part of the parcel of the vast performance management systems. As rightly mentioned by Simon Sinek, performance appraisal ensures that your human resources are willing to contribute and not just to return. 

There are various methods of performance appraisal that involve many layers of stakeholders and various stages of decision-making. The term ‘appraisal’ in the corporate world refers to an official or a formal assessment of performance.

Before diving into the alternative of how human resource teams can leverage technology to overcome the barriers of traditional performance appraisals, we can first uncover the 'how' and ‘why’ of it.

How do Performance Appraisals work?

Performance Appraisal is one of the most awaited sessions for both the employees and the employers. It is that moment of truth where the organization witnesses a change in leading cabinets, team orientation, training initiatives, and strategic goals. 

Essentially, since the age of traditional methods of performance appraisal, it was seen as the benchmark of performance for each employees. It evaluated the progress with respect to the targets of the organization. This annual review reveals the skills, achievements, and growth of the workforce over the previous year in the job role.

How do Performance Appraisals work

Performance appraisal in HRM follows a rough flow of action that starts with:

Output Evaluation

The prime contribution of the employees towards the growth of an organization is revealed from their performance metrics. Data and numbers of achieved Objective Key Results (OKRs) are thoroughly evaluated and validated to confirm the impact of individual contributions. This process sorts the high performing individual of the organization from the rest of the employees. 

Competency Evaluation

Competency tests are administered to each employee, to check their post-hire fitment into the job role. ThThese online assessments test help HR professionals understand interpersonal skills, teamwork, and adaptabilityis competency testing can also check the cultural alignment of employees with the company. And it is instrumental in deciding the position of the employee in a team. This testing helps HRs to identify the high potential employees

Skill Assessment

Skill tests aim to trace the growth of individuals and identify the skill gaps in the workforce. Assessment of skills are also important for setting realistic and achievable goals in an organization. It plays a vital role in the early screening of future leaders and managers. The reports of a skill assessment can help HRs to strategize personalized learning and development plans for each employee. 

Behavioral Checkpoints

This involves assessing how well employees align with the organization’s values and culture. These online assessments test help HR professionals understand interpersonal skills, teamwork, and adaptability. HRs are increasingly leveraging tools like behavioral interviews or 360-degree feedback to evaluate behavior effectively.

Feedback Delivery

Effective feedback delivery is a cornerstone of employee growth. Regular, specific feedback helps individuals improve their performance. HR professionals should ensure that feedback is actionable, timely, and fosters continuous development.

Goal Setting

Clear and purposeful targets align individuals to the organizational vision. HR professionals collaborate with managers and employees to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). A fixed goal provides direction and motivation for employees to work.

Learning and Development Planning

These plans enhance employees’ skills and knowledge and can include formal training, workshops, mentoring, and self-directed learning. HR professionals should consider individual aspirations, job requirements, and organizational priorities when creating these plans.

7 Benefits of Performance Appraisal Methods

7 Benefits of Performance Appraisal Methods

You might be questioning, why must an HR conduct these performance appraisal sessions at all? Performance appraisal benefits not only the employees but also the organization. It is evident that a good performance appraisal system can dynamically evolve the workforce towards optimal output. Here are some highlights of how performance appraisals influence the organization and their employees: 

Career Growth

Performance appraisals play a pivotal role in shaping an employee’s career trajectory. By providing constructive feedback, identifying strengths, and pinpointing areas for improvement, appraisals empower individuals to set development goals. Armed with this knowledge, employees can proactively enhance their skills, seek relevant training, and position themselves for advancement within the organization.

Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Regular performance evaluations serve as a morale booster. Acknowledging achievements and efforts fosters motivation. When employees feel recognized and valued, job satisfaction increases. This positive cycle leads to higher engagement and productivity, benefiting both the individual and the company.

Increased Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are committed, passionate, and aligned with organizational goals. Performance appraisals facilitate open dialogue between managers and team members. These conversations recognize contributions, address concerns, and provide a platform for employees to voice their aspirations. As engagement grows, so does overall team performance.

Optimization of Team Structure

Appraisals reveal individual strengths and weaknesses. Armed with this knowledge, managers can strategically allocate tasks and responsibilities within teams. By leveraging each team member’s unique abilities, organizations optimize collaboration, enhance productivity, and achieve better outcomes.

Clear and Effective Communication

Performance reviews foster honest conversations. Managers provide specific feedback on performance, behavior, and areas for improvement. This clarity ensures that employees understand their roles, expectations, and how their contributions impact the team and the organization. Effective communication builds trust and alignment.

Conveying Expectations

Performance appraisals serve as a compass for employees. They outline role expectations, performance standards, and behavioral norms. When individuals know what is expected of them, they can focus their efforts, prioritize tasks, and contribute effectively. Clear expectations lead to better performance and a cohesive work environment.

Achievement Tracking, Tracing, and Documenting

Appraisals track an employee’s progress toward goals. Whether it’s meeting sales targets, mastering a new skill, or completing a project, these milestones are documented. This historical record aids decision-making—whether it’s recognizing outstanding performance, identifying areas for improvement, or determining promotions and career paths.

Different Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM

Different Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM

The modern methods of performance appraisal in HRM vary on the basis of review interval, tactics of measurement, and dynamic nature of teams. Here is how we can differentiate each on these basis:

Time intervals

Performance appraisal on the basis of time can set the clarity between long-term and short-term goals of workforce output. HRs can conveniently evaluate and appraise their employees regularly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Here's an interesting statistics that we found:

Professionals agree that semiannual (60%), quarterly (86%), or ongoing reviews (90%) give more of an accurate appraisal of an employees’ work. 

Methods of measurement

There are many performance appraisal methods that HR professionals follow to ultimately conclude their decisions. These are specific to individual contributors, and checks for the team bonding, impression on management, milestone achievements, behavioral competencies etc. Here are some methods that works wonders:

  • Analyzing Performance Metrics: Quantitative measures, such as key performance indicators (KPIs) or sales targets, provide an objective assessment of performance. These metrics are particularly useful for roles where clear numerical goals exist.
  • Adapting Narrative Appraisals: Narrative appraisals take a qualitative approach. They offer descriptive feedback, providing context and personalized insights. By focusing on behaviors and achievements, they create a richer understanding of an employee’s performance.
  • Cross Checking with Behavioral Interview: Conducted in a structured manner, behavioral interviews assess competencies and alignment. By asking scenario-based questions, they predict an individual’s future behavior and suitability for specific roles.
  • Leveraging 360-degree Feedback: This holistic method gathers input from peers, managers, and self-assessment. It identifies blind spots, development areas, and enhances self-awareness. This comprehensive view helps create a well-rounded evaluation.
  • Using Project-based Review: Evaluating performance based on project outcomes, this method is relevant for project-centric roles. It measures collaboration, results, and the ability to deliver within specific project contexts.

Optimizing Team Dynamic 

Types of performance appraisal systems vary according to the size and structure of the teams in an organization. It determines if the teams require regular progress check-ins, motivational boosts, or engagement for optimal productivity. 

For instance, small teams are easy to communicate with and require long-term reviews. Similarly, midsize teams may require quarterly and bi-annual appraisers, whereas, the big teams often follow a regular check-in, and are a dynamic and continuously evolving strategy of performance appraisal. 

4 Types of Performance Appraisal Methods

4 Types of Performance Appraisal Methods

No one type of performance appraisal methods suit all kinds of organizations. Hence, HR professionals often resort to many different types of performance appraisal methods. These are distinguished on the basis of approach, purpose, impact and the sources of feedback. Let's take a closer look at the most used performance appraisal methods:

360 Degree Performance Appraisal Methods 

360 degree performance appraisal methods are used to gather feedback from various sources—peers, direct reports, supervisors, and self-assessment—to evaluate an employee’s performance comprehensively. Its purpose is to provide a holistic view, encourage self-awareness, and identify areas for development. Imagine it as assembling a puzzle with input from all angles. 

For example, an employee receives input from colleagues, subordinates, and their manager to assess communication skills, teamwork, and leadership. The combined perspectives create a richer picture of performance.

Negotiated Appraisal

In these performance appraisal methods, a mediator joins the evaluation process. The reviewer highlights the employee’s strengths before discussing areas for improvement. 

It’s like a diplomatic negotiation. Understanding the participants' traits through the oceans personality test can facilitate smoother and more productive negotiations.

Negotiated appraisals are useful when there’s tension or disagreement between the employee and manager. It’s akin to finding common ground during contract negotiations. The mediator facilitates a constructive conversation, emphasizing growth opportunities and bridging gaps.

Peer Assessment

Imagine students critiquing and providing feedback to each other on their work. Peer assessment fosters lifelong assessment skills and motivates deeper engagement. It empowers students, enhances learning through knowledge exchange, and encourages responsibility. 

Peer assessments can be thought of  as a study group where everyone contributes.  It is commonly used in group projects or team evaluations, allowing employees to learn not only from instructors but also from their peers.


Self-assessment is a reflective process where individuals evaluate their own performance, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s like conducting a personal performance audit. Its importance lies in helping set goals, recognizing achievements, and identifying areas for growth. Think of it as a GPS, recalibrating your route based on self-reflection. 

Tips for effective self-assessment include reflecting on accomplishments, remaining honest, and finding ways to learn and improve. It’s your chance to be both, an evaluator and an advocate for your growth. 

Traditional Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM

Traditional Vs Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

Traditional appraisals or bell-curve appraisal emphasize past performance and accountability. They are typically conducted annually or biannually. These evaluations follow a formal structure, providing an overall assessment of an employee’s past achievements. Evaluators make judgments based on predefined criteria and the results impact decisions such as promotions and pay raises. 

However, traditional systems have limitations—they prioritize accountability over current improvement and may not effectively address issues like goal alignment or identifying poor performers.

Modern Methods of Performance Appraisal in HRM

Modern methods prioritize continuous improvement and development. Instead of annual reviews, they encourage regular check-ins, ongoing feedback, and 360-degree reviews. These systems are agile, adapting to changing business environments. They focus objectively on job achievements, regardless of personality traits. 

Additionally, modern methods of performance appraisal in HRM promote teamwork, collaboration, and learning. The impact is positive: frequent feedback keeps employees engaged, supports talent development, and enables organizational agility in response to market changes. 

Organizations often adopt hybrid approaches such as the mbo method of performance appraisal, behavioral interviews, 360 degree feedback, etc. that blend elements from both systems for a more effective performance management process.

Performance Appraisal Methods Advantages and Disadvantages

Traditional performance appraisal methods, like seasoned executives, have been part of the corporate landscape for decades. But lately, there’s a buzz—a shift toward something more agile, more employee-centric. It’s time to compare the old guard with the new contender.

Performance Appraisal Methods Advantages and Disadvantages


In conclusion, performance appraisal is a vital process that contributes to employee development and organizational success. Organizations can create a robust performance appraisal system by understanding the difference between Performance Management Vs. Performance Appraisal,  exploring various methods of performance appraisal, and implementing the best practices. 

To know more about how you can implement HRTech and the skills assessment test in this years' performance appraisal season, contact us at or call us on +918591320212.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about this blog through the commonly asked questions:

What are the four different methods of performance appraisal?

Common methods of performance appraisal are 360-degree feedback, which gathers input from multiple sources; Management by Objectives (MBO method of performance appraisal), where specific goals are set and agreed upon; Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS), which use specific examples for ratings; and self-assessment, where employees evaluate themselves.

What are the five performance appraisal processes?

The performance appraisal process involves setting clear objectives, monitoring performance, conducting self-assessments, holding performance reviews, and providing feedback and development plans.

What are the five performance ratings?

Performance ratings typically fall into five categories: outstanding, exceeds expectations, meets expectations, needs improvement, and unsatisfactory.

What are the challenges of traditional methods of performance appraisal?

Challenges of performance appraisal include biases, subjectivity, and inconsistent standards, which can lead to unfair evaluations and hinder employee growth.

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