It's that time of year again! When some of your employees will be rewarded and others may be rebuked. When some employees may come away with a substantial pay check and others with a scanty pay raise. Yes, we're talking appraisal season.
Corporate appraisals are an exercise that are done every year in most companies. It is when the high-performers are identified and suitably compensated for their stellar performance. It is also when high-potential employees are identified and marked for future development, training, and promotion.
Psychometric tests are assessments designed to measure cognitive ability, personality or work behaviour, and can be a valuable tool in identifying high-potential employees.
Corporate appraisals that identify high-potential employees are called potential appraisals. These are different from performance appraisals. A potential appraisal is an appraisal that is future-oriented. It identifies and evaluates the potential of employees to take up leadership positions and responsibilities in the organizational hierarchy.
However, high-performing and high-potential employees are different. High-performers achieve results consistently and constantly over time. High-potentials on the other hand, have the ability to grow and develop into leadership roles within the organization. So, a high-performing employee may not be a high-potential employee. However, a high-potential employee is likely to be a high-performer.
Sounds interesting? Read on
Who is a High-Potential Employee?
While different organizations, define high-potential (HiPO) employees differently, most agree that the top 3 to 5 percent of their talent pool are HiPOs. If the organization is to survive and thrive, it is important and imperative that these employees are suitably developed, promoted, and rewarded.
HiPOs, typically, are continuous learners and constantly raise the bar for themselves, as well as for others. They are also moderate risk-takers, who evaluate risks, come up with suitable action plans, and are sources of inspiration for other employees to follow.
High-potential employees have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. This results in them charting out a stellar career for themselves, as well as simultaneously benefiting their organizations. Despite the fact that they are so talented, HiPOs are not arrogant and invite feedback and mentoring for continual insight and guidance.
Critical Traits Demonstrated by High-Potential Employees
Emotional Intellegence
HiPOs can accurately recognize emotions in others and they respond appropriately. This means that most HiPOs excel at interpersonal relationships. They can also adopt a behavior that is relevant, depending on the situation and on the person that they are dealing with. So, they can show either firmness or empathy while interacting with colleagues. HiPOs can also demonstrate tact and can successfully mediate situations. HiPOs make for excellent managers and salespersons, as these work profiles require successful interpersonal relations and success in the frequent dealings with others.
Continuous Learning of New Skills
HiPOs continually learn new skills that will help them in their current and future roles. They combine a variety of traits to future-ready themselves, such as intelligence, critical thinking, personality, a desire to lead, and a good amount of common sense.
This is possibly the most important trait that HiPOs possess. While motivation may be hard to measure, the right assessments can measure this trait accurately. HiPOs demonstrate a high degree of motivation to seize opportunities and take on additional responsibilities that inevitably occur in the workplace.
It is important that you are able to measure these and other traits that make up the profile of a HiPO. For this, you need the right assessment. Is this available? That's what we'll talk about in the remaining sections…
Measuring High-Potential in your Employees
In order to measure which of your employees are high-potential, we need to measure certain key qualities that need to be present in all successful employees but especially in HiPOs. These are:
- Skills (S): These include what your employees do on a day-to-day basis in your organization.
- Knowledge (K): This is information that your employees know and which can be exponentially increased through the right trainings in your organization.
- Ability (A): This is the current level of skill that your employees possess that helps them perform their jobs successfully in your organization.
- Personality (P): These are the basic, unchangeable traits that your HiPO employees possess, which contribute to their success in your organization.
These SKAP factors can be assessed to measure high-potential in your employees. However, the right High-Potential assessment not only measures these factors, but also looks for other traits and qualities that can help you promote the right employees to leadership positions within your organization.
One such comprehensive assessment is the PMaps High-Potential Assessment. To know more about this assessment and how it can help you successfully identify, promote, and develop your HiPO employees, keep on reading…
All about the PMaps High-Potential Assessment and its Competencies
The PMaps High Potential Assessment will help you successfully identify and promote the right employees from within a group and will let you know who of these will be most successful in a Team Leader role.
When you use the PMaps High Potential Assessment, you can be sure that you are getting the right picture of your candidates or employees. Your organization can use the PMaps High Potential Assessment for succession planning, by identifying high-potential employees with a great deal of integrity and the right skills. The PMaps High-Potential Assessment is unique in that it measures the following:
- Ability: This assesses an individual's ability to lead a group of people to achieve team goals in a composed manner. This trait includes competencies such as Personal Competence, Social Competence, and General Intelligence.
- Aspiration: This assesses an individual's Type A personality, which is characterized by a strong need to manage time well – of self and others— and deliver results well in time and every time. It also assesses a strong need to be financially stable and self-reliant. A candidate or employee with a high degree of aspiration owns and flaunts wealth and enjoys all the material comforts and luxuries without any guilt. This trait includes a competency that is Work Motivation.
- Employee Engagement: This measures the degree of involvement that employees have with their organization, their privileges, and the people around them. This trait includes competencies such as People Interaction, Privileges, and Potential.
Not only is the PMaps High-Potential Assessment unique, objective, and relatively unbiased, it also accurately measures the traits that make up the mindset of a successful HiPO employee. There are several reasons why you should opt for the PMaps High-Potential Assessment and no other…
Why you Should Opt for the PMaps High-Potential Assessment Test
- The PMaps High Potential Assessment test is unique in that it gauges the potential of junior and middle managers. It helps you understand and promote these managers to the next level, typically that of a team lead.
- The PMaps HIPo Assessment gives you and your organization a snapshot view of a candidate's or employee's skillset. The test itself is visual-based, quick (less than 30 minutes), fun, social, language-agnostic, and customizable. This makes it uniquely suitable for all generations, but especially for Gen Z candidates.
- The PMaps High Potential Assessment ensures that it is easy to take and easy to administer. The detailed and user-friendly report that is generated after assessing an employee or candidate can be easily understood by recruiters.
- The PMaps High Potential Assessment report can help you not only get a detailed picture of an individual employee or candidate, but you can also benchmark your employee or candidate with their peers. This ensures that you can take an informed decision about who to promote to the next level.
- The PMaps High Potential Assessment test also gauges the personal and social skills of an employee, such as Empathy and Team Capability. This ensures that a candidate or employee that you are thinking of promoting to the next level will be able to manage a team and will also be able to understand the emotions and problems of the team.
So, as you've figured out by now, it is never easy identifying your High-Potential employees. If you get it right, your organization will benefit greatly. However, if you get it wrong, the consequences can be disastrous. This is why you want to be sure that you are assessing your HiPO employees the right way and with the right assessment.
Also, because of its qualities and characteristics, this assessment from PMaps is especially suited to Gen Z candidates. However, candidates from different generation, such as Baby Boomers, Gen X candidates, Gen Y candidates, and Millennials can also take this test successfully.
So, what are you waiting for? Get on board with PMaps and identify your HiPO employees who will take your organization to the next level in both the short and the long-term. Here's to a successful appraisal and assessment season!
To know more about how you can use the right High-Potential Assessment test for your organization, call PMaps at 8591320212, or then, email us at support@pmaps.in, or get in touch through our website