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Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment

Brief About the Test: The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment evaluates essential skills for middle-level leaders, including data governance, geospatial understanding, and stakeholder relationship management. This technical pre-hire assessment is crucial for identifying candidates with the GIS technology expertise and project management skills needed to lead GIS data stewardship effectively in the hospitality industry. Ensure your GIS data stewards can maintain high data quality and manage stakeholder relationships successfully.

Our Clients:
Test Time
39 mins
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Middle Level
job type
Job Family
Geospatial Systems
question mark
No of Questions
Questions Type
Text Based

Test Summary

The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment is essential for identifying proficient leaders in GIS data stewardship. This assessment evaluates competencies such as data governance, geospatial understanding, GIS technologies, presentation, project management, and stakeholder relationship management. By pinpointing these skills, you can ensure that your potential leaders are equipped to manage GIS data processes efficiently and maintain high data quality standards. This test is particularly relevant for the hospitality industry, providing insights into candidates' abilities to oversee GIS projects, ensure data accuracy, and foster strong stakeholder relationships, thereby enhancing your organization's performance and innovation.


Relevant for

  • GIS Data Stewards
  • GIS Managers
  • Data Governance Leads
  • Project Managers
  • Geospatial Analysts
  • GIS Technicians
  • Stakeholder Relationship Managers
  • GIS Consultants
  • Data Quality Managers
  • GIS Data Coordinators

Elevating Success Through Diverse Competencies

Data Governance:

Ability to establish and maintain data governance frameworks, ensuring data integrity and compliance.

Geospatial Understanding:

Comprehensive knowledge of geospatial concepts and their application in GIS projects.

GIS Technologies:

Proficiency in using GIS technologies to manage and analyze geospatial data.


Skills in presenting geospatial data and findings effectively to various stakeholders.

Project Management:

Expertise in planning, executing, and closing GIS projects, ensuring timely and within budget delivery.

Stakeholder Relationship Management:

Strong ability to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders to meet project goals and expectations.

Efficient Talent Identification:
Quickly identify candidates with the right skills and expertise, streamlining the hiring process.

Enhanced Data Quality:

Ensure your GIS data stewards maintain high standards of data accuracy and integrity.

Optimized GIS Processes:

Select leaders who can implement efficient GIS processes, ensuring optimal use of resources.

Improved Team Performance:

Enhance overall team performance by choosing leaders who can foster collaboration and productivity.

Objective Decision-Making:

Make informed hiring decisions based on reliable, data-driven insights.

Key Features

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Why Choose PMaps?

Choosing PMaps means opting for a comprehensive and transformative assessment solution designed to address your most critical talent management needs. Our platform sets itself apart by delivering precision in talent acquisition and development through a suite of robust psychometric assessments. By leveraging our advanced analytics and expertise, organizations can seamlessly navigate the complexities of hiring, succession planning, and employee development.

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Business Partnr

Working with PMaps team has been a game-changer for us. PMaps truly partnered with us in our journey of overcoming attrition challenges and delivered a solution that exceeded our expectations.

Supriya Nath
HR Manager

PMaps has been the ultimate solution to our hiring challenges. The platform provides us with quick and convenient evaluation reports, streamlining our hiring process effectively.

Shailesh Singh
TA - Staffing

We use PMaps for two assessments, Sales Aptitude Assessment and Values Assessment for our salespersons. It helped us improve the quality of our hires. We have seen lower attrition.

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Details About Assessments

Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment

The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment is a specialized tool designed to evaluate the essential competencies required for effective leadership in GIS data stewardship roles. This test is particularly valuable for HR professionals in the hospitality industry, aiming to ensure their leaders possess the necessary skills to manage GIS data processes, maintain data quality, and engage stakeholders effectively. By identifying and enhancing these capabilities, organizations can ensure their GIS data stewards drive project success and contribute to overall organizational growth and innovation.

Test Overview

Structure and Format:

The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment is structured into several sections, each focusing on a critical competency area. The test includes multiple question types such as multiple-choice questions (MCQs), situational judgment tests (SJTs), and practical tasks to provide a thorough evaluation of a candidate’s abilities.

Types of Questions Included:

  • Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): These questions assess theoretical knowledge and practical understanding of data governance, GIS technologies, and project management.
  • Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs): These tests evaluate decision-making skills in real-world scenarios involving geospatial understanding, stakeholder relationship management, and data governance.
  • Practical Tasks: Require candidates to demonstrate proficiency in using GIS technologies and managing geospatial data through hands-on tasks.

Elaborating the Sections of Assessment

Data Governance: This section assesses a candidate’s ability to establish and maintain data governance frameworks, ensuring data integrity and compliance. High performers demonstrate meticulous attention to detail and a thorough understanding of data governance principles, ensuring robust data management practices. Low performers may struggle with consistency and adherence to data governance standards.

Geospatial Understanding: Candidates are evaluated on their comprehensive knowledge of geospatial concepts and their application in GIS projects. High performers leverage their geospatial understanding to enhance data analysis and project outcomes, while low performers may exhibit gaps in their knowledge, leading to inaccuracies in geospatial data handling.

GIS Technologies: This section focuses on a candidate's proficiency in using GIS technologies to manage and analyze geospatial data. High performers are adept at integrating these technologies into their workflows, ensuring efficient and accurate data management. Low performers may lack familiarity with essential GIS tools, affecting their ability to conduct thorough analyses.

Presentation: Candidates are assessed on their skills in presenting geospatial data and findings effectively to various stakeholders. High performers excel in creating clear, impactful presentations that facilitate understanding and decision-making. Low performers may struggle with communication and presentation skills, leading to misunderstandings or incomplete data dissemination.

Project Management: This section evaluates a candidate’s expertise in planning, executing, and closing GIS projects. High performers ensure projects are completed on time and within budget by applying effective project management techniques. Low performers may face difficulties in managing project timelines, budgets, and resources, impacting overall project success.

Stakeholder Relationship Management: Candidates are evaluated on their ability to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders to meet project goals and expectations. High performers build strong relationships, ensuring stakeholder needs and expectations are met. Low performers may face challenges in stakeholder management, resulting in miscommunication and unmet project goals.

Benefits and Application of the Test


  1. Efficient Talent Identification:some text
    • Quickly identify candidates with the right skills and expertise, streamlining the hiring process.
  2. Enhanced Data Quality:some text
    • Ensure your GIS data stewards maintain high standards of data accuracy and integrity.
  3. Optimized GIS Processes:some text
    • Select leaders who can implement efficient GIS processes, ensuring optimal use of resources.
  4. Improved Team Performance:some text
    • Enhance overall team performance by choosing leaders who can foster collaboration and productivity.
  5. Objective Decision-Making:some text
    • Make informed hiring decisions based on reliable, data-driven insights.


  • Hiring Decision: Identify the best candidates for GIS data stewardship roles, ensuring they have the skills and expertise to excel.
  • Promotion: Use the assessment results to make informed decisions about promoting existing employees to leadership positions.
  • Skill Gap Analysis: Identify areas where current leaders may need additional training or development.
  • Self-Evaluation: Allow current leaders to assess their own skills and identify areas for improvement.

5. Characteristics of High and Low Performers

High Performers:

  • Demonstrate strong technical skills in GIS technologies and data governance.
  • Exhibit proficiency in geospatial understanding and project management.
  • Maintain accurate and up-to-date geospatial data and documentation.
  • Show exceptional presentation skills, effectively communicating complex data to stakeholders.
  • Build and maintain strong stakeholder relationships, ensuring project success.

Low Performers:

  • Show gaps in technical knowledge and proficiency with GIS technologies.
  • Struggle with understanding and applying data governance principles.
  • Exhibit inconsistencies and errors in data management and documentation.
  • Provide incomplete or unclear presentations, hindering stakeholder understanding.
  • Face challenges in managing stakeholder relationships, impacting project outcomes.Final Thoughts

The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment is an invaluable tool for HR professionals seeking to build a strong leadership team within their GIS data management departments. By evaluating critical competencies such as data governance, geospatial understanding, and stakeholder relationship management, this assessment ensures that the leaders you select are well-equipped to drive your GIS projects towards success. Investing in this assessment means investing in the future of your organization, ensuring that your leaders have the skills and knowledge to navigate challenges and innovate in the ever-evolving landscape of GIS data stewardship.

By leveraging the insights gained from this assessment, you can make informed hiring and promotion decisions, identify skill gaps, and provide targeted training to enhance the capabilities of your leadership team. This strategic approach not only improves individual and team performance but also contributes to the overall growth and success of your organization.

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Resources Related To Test

PMaps Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about PMaps through commonly asked questions:

What is the Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment? The Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to measure the key competencies required for effective leadership in GIS data stewardship, particularly in the hospitality industry.

Who can use the Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment? This assessment is ideal for HR professionals seeking to hire middle-level leaders such as GIS data stewards, GIS managers, and data governance leads who need to excel in data governance, GIS technologies, and stakeholder relationship management.

What are the benefits of the Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment? The test helps in efficient talent identification, enhances data quality, optimizes GIS processes, improves team performance, and supports objective decision-making through reliable data.

Is the Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment customizable? Yes, the assessment can be tailored to align with your organization's specific needs, including industry benchmarking, adjusting section weightages, and changing competencies based on your unique requirements.

Can I take a free trial or a demo of the Lead GIS Data Steward Assessment? Absolutely. We offer a demo or trial option so you can experience the assessment's interface, question types, and reporting system, helping you determine how it fits into your hiring process.