Watch the Demo: PMaps - Empowering HR with Precision Assessments

Come learn about PMaps' Next-Generation Talent Screening at HRtech's Demo Hour.

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At PMaps, we are proud to announce our recent showcase at Singapore HRtech's acclaimed "Demo Hour" series, which has now been immortalized in a gripping YouTube session. Come experience the future of Talent Acquisition and Management with us and see how PMaps' innovative visual-based assessment platform can transform your hiring process into a data-driven process.

What PMaps Brings to Your Hiring and Talent Management Table

In a precise 15-minute presentation, our expert, Bansi Mehta, delved deep into the core functionalities of PMaps, highlighting our commitment to enhancing hiring accuracy and efficiency. By integrating advanced psychometric testing and unbiased screening methods, PMaps ensures that you not only fill positions but elevate your entire organizational culture. Our platform is designed to parse through the skills, language, and personality traits of candidates, ensuring a perfect fit for your company’s unique ecosystem.

Why Choose PMaps?

  • Reduce Hiring Costs by 65%: Streamline your recruitment process, significantly cutting down expenses.
  • Decrease Time-to-Hire by 75%: Our efficient screening speeds up the hiring process without compromising quality.
  • Improve Employee Retention by 20%: Match candidates more accurately to roles, enhancing job satisfaction and retention.

Our participation in HRtech’s Demo Hour not only showcased our robust platform but also demonstrated PMaps' role as a leader in the HR technology space. Supported by RChilli, this event provided a comprehensive look into how modern solutions like ours are paving the way for smarter, more effective HR practices globally.

Ready to Transform Your Hiring Process?

Witness the full potential of PMaps and explore our detailed demonstration at Watch Our Demo on YouTube. For a deeper understanding of our services and to see how we can tailor our solutions to your needs, visit our website at

Connect with us on LinkedIn to stay updated on future events and innovations: PMaps on LinkedIn.

All Tests

Explore Our Comprehensive Suite of Talent Assessments Designed for Both Hiring Excellence and Employee Development

Voice and Accent Assessment Test

11 min
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Entry Level

Measures pronunciation, accent clarity, and communication effectiveness for customer-facing roles.

Customer Service Assessment Test

12 Mins
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Entry Level

Evaluate core customer service skills with our Customer Service Assessment Test.

Sales Aptitude Assessment Test

25 Mins
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Entry Level

Measures inherent sales abilities and the potential to develop sales expertises.

Management Skills Assessment Test

20 Mins
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Senior Level

Evaluates leadership abilities, strategic planning, team motivation, and effective communication essential for top-tier.


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Tech Mahindra
Head - ORG Effectiveness
Anjalie Chaudhary

With PMaps leadership assessments, we have been able to align our talent development with our strategic objectives. These tools have given us the clarity to design focused training programs, leading to a significant impact on our organizational effectiveness and leadership alignment.

Max Life Insurance
TA - Staffing
Shailesh Singh

We use PMaps for two assessments, Sales Aptitude Assessment and Values Assessment for our salespersons. It helped us improve the quality of our hires. We have seen lower attrition.

Preeti Shirke

The PMaps team has been extremely forthcoming and receptive to the requirements we have shared. The solution that has been designed and customized to suit our requirements has been very well received.

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