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ITES - Captive Center - Case Study


PMaps Enables Touchless Hiring for a Leading ITES Player Serving a BFSI Client

Discover in this case study how PMaps' Sales Assessment and Managerial Sales Assessment helped a leading ITES player to streamline their hiring process, identify high performers, and improve the quality of their hires. By using PMaps' customized assessment solutions, the ITES player was able to filter candidates into three buckets – Unfit, Cautiously Recommended, and Fit – and identify critical competencies for success in sales and managerial roles. The assessments accurately predicted 85% of high performers and helped the ITES player hire a more efficient and effective workforce. Download the case study now to learn more about their journey and the benefits of PMaps' solutions.

The Organization

This organization is a prominent ITES service provider that caters to businesses in the BFSI sector. They specialize in providing end-to-end contact center services that support customer lifecycle management and business process management with a vast presence spanning across India, South East Asia, and North America.

Recently, the captive center of this organization identified a need to optimize their recruitment process. They were looking for a solution that would help them hire the right-fit candidates to improve outbound sales and enhance customer satisfaction. Additionally, they wanted to leverage technology to make offline interviews more straightforward and minimize the potential for any unconscious biases in the hiring process.

To achieve these goals, the organization sought out a recruitment platform that would provide a seamless and comprehensive virtual hiring experience. They were looking for a solution that would streamline the recruitment process and support unbiased candidate selection while improving efficiency and accessibility.

The Challenge

The ITES company faced hiring process challenges while working with the organization. These included but were not limited to long offline interviews, biased selection, and poor hires. The Captive centers wanted to improve its recruitment process and make it virtually accessible. They were looking for a platform that could help them in resolving these challenges.

They sought a solution to filter out unfit candidates. The PMaps HR-Tech Platform would make offline interviews easier and ensure unbiased candidate selection. This solution would select suitable candidates based on their scores in assessments. It could also align them for the next stage of evaluation if needed.

Lengthy Offline Interviews

The ITES player faced challenges in finding suitable candidates due to their reliance on traditional interviewing methods, which resulted in poor hires. This approach often led to hiring candidates who lacked the required skills and were not a good fit for the company culture.

Lack of Objective Evaluation and Potential Biases

The ITES player faced hiring challenges due to the lack of an objective evaluation process. Manual evaluation processes were prone to biases, which added to the challenges. The company was cautious about the abilities of new employees. This was because the evaluation process had been resulting in disappointing outcomes for a long time.

Longer Hiring Time

The traditional hiring process followed by the organization was time-consuming and expensive due to the reliance on offline interviews. The process required significant resources, including the availability of the hiring team and candidates, resulting in extended hiring periods.

Inadequate sales performance

The recruitment process challenges faced by the ITES player's Captive center led to the hiring of unsuitable candidates for sales positions, resulting in poor sales performance.

Recruiting inefficiency

The ITES player was seeking a tool to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its hiring process. Their previous offline interview process was inefficient as it resulted in bad hires and poor performance. The organization wanted to develop a better tool for making hiring decisions. This tool would provide an unbiased evaluation and help speed up the process.

The Process

The ITES player identified the challenges with its offline interview process, which led to bad hires and poor performance in the sales job. They wanted a solution that would help them reduce the hiring time and improve the quality of their hires. PMaps proposed to use its Sales Assessment to make objective decisions. PMaps customized the Sales Aptitude Test Design, a pre-employment assessment, to align with the organization's requirements. This was based on the key competencies identified for successful Sales Executives and Sales Leaders. Hence, a firmly-established global sales framework was set up by PMaps to ensure that it was consistent with industry standards. Upon execution of the assessment, it enabled the ITES player to filter candidates into three buckets – Unfit, Cautiously Recommended, and Fit.

Unfit candidates who scored below the industry benchmark would be rejected solely based on their scores.

Fit candidates, who scored above the benchmark in every competency, would be selected directly.

Cautiously Recommended candidates who scored average would require a second round of evaluation before being selected.

The Solution

PMaps suggested two assessment designs for the outbound sales positions of the leading ITES organization.

PMaps Sales Assessment 

The assessment design consisted of PMaps Tele-Sales Behavior, Spoken Language capabilities, Solutioning, and Applied Domain questions.

The total number of questions in the assessment was 64. The average time taken to complete the test by the candidates during the pilot exercise was 19 minutes and 50 seconds. The assessment was a combination of visual, auditory, and textual questions.

The Direct Sales Assessment was measuring the right orientation of the candidate to excel in a sales role. It measured competencies such as Perspective Taking, Positivity, Ambiversion, and Workplace Motivation. The Solutioning section measured the candidates' abilities to comprehend the information given by the client. The Solutioning section assessed the candidates' capacities to understand the client's information and devise solutions to their queries or worries.

PMaps Sales Management  Assessment

The assessment for sales leaders consisted of the PMaps Managerial Sales Assessment, with Solutioning and Domain questions, totaling 51 questions. On average, candidates completed the test in 30 minutes, answering a mix of visual, auditory, and textual questions.

The PMaps Managerial Sales Assessment evaluated candidates' leadership abilities, measuring personal and social competencies to manage themselves and others effectively. This assessment evaluated the participants' aptitude for success in a sales role.

It measured competencies like Perspective Taking, Positivity, Ambiversion, and Workplace Motivation. The Solutioning section evaluated candidates' comprehension skills. It assessed their ability to understand client information.

It also measured their ability to provide effective solutions to their concerns or queries. It also measured the candidate's vocabulary, grammar, and fluency to assess their communication skills. The Domain section of the assessment evaluated the candidate's understanding and communication of the product. This included their understanding of sales material and their ability to answer various questions.

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PMaps Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about PMaps through commonly asked questions:

What does the Sales Assessment specifically measure in a candidate?

The Sales Assessment is designed to measure a range of competencies crucial for success in sales roles. This includes a candidate's ability to communicate effectively, persuade and negotiate, understand and respond to customer needs, handle rejection, and maintain resilience. It also assesses strategic thinking and planning skills, as well as the candidate’s aptitude for understanding and selling the product or service effectively.

How can Sales Assessments improve the quality of our sales team?

Sales Assessments help improve the quality of your sales team by ensuring that new hires possess not only the necessary skills but also the intrinsic qualities and motivations that align with successful sales performance. By identifying candidates who are naturally suited to sales work, organizations can reduce turnover, enhance job satisfaction, and increase sales productivity. Furthermore, the insights gained from these assessments can be used for targeted training and development, further enhancing the capabilities of your sales team.

What leadership qualities does the Managerial Assessment focus on?

The Managerial Assessment focuses on key leadership qualities such as strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, emotional intelligence, team management, and the ability to drive change. These qualities are crucial for effective leadership and managing teams towards achieving organizational goals.

How does the assessment help in identifying high-potential managers?

By evaluating candidates on the leadership qualities mentioned, alongside their potential to grow and take on greater responsibilities, the assessment identifies individuals with the aptitude for leadership roles. This helps organizations in succession planning and nurturing a pipeline of future leaders.

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Client Testimonials

Max Life Insurance
TA - Staffing

We use PMaps for two assessments, Sales Aptitude Assessment and Values Assessment for our salespersons. It helped us improve the quality of our hires. We have seen lower attrition.

Tech Mahindra
Group Head TA

PMaps enables us to screen and assess candidates before they join us, especially when hiring thousands of individuals. It helps us understand their aptitude, communication skills, and personality.

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