In the era of raging talent war, only the best candidate will survive! It is heating up the evolution of hiring strategies from traditional recruitment to online onboarding. The recruiting challenges today expect innovation and creativity to replace the usual hiring process. The technological development stands open to dearly embrace the hiring managers and decision makers for a better future.
Moving into the last quarter of 2022, 64% of top talent acquisition heads believe that increased skill assessment is vital for the selection process. The past two years of pandemic have impacted recruiting teams more than any other departments. Bouncing back from the loss, many sources, and strategies have contributed to the betterment of the recruitment process.
The competition urges recruiters to experience low efficiency in hiring performance. In fact, a survey by Monster states that confidence in hiring the right candidate has fallen to 4% in only 2 years. This article attempts to help you out or prevent you from falling into the pit of wrong hiring decisions and recruitment guilt by exposing the challenges recruiters will face in the future.
Troubleshoot your 10 most influential recruiting challenges with tips for and prepare yourself for the advancing talent war of the 21st Century!
Troublesome Employee Attrition
Employee attrition is like the untold truth that organizations can not accept or hide. A company loses around 18% of its employees every year on an average. The loss impacts the team functionally, and the company strategically. A higher attrition rate would mean there are some inadequacies of your organization.
The attrition problem is categorized into two types. It is either too many employees leaving or too little. While in the latter case recruiters still have an upper hand, but in the other situation they will have to level up their recruitment strategy to cope.
It becomes important for the hiring managers to hire candidates with a clear idea of their retention period. The new day psychometric assessments help you maintain a step ahead in gauging the attrition of your employees and intention of your candidates.
Lack Of Cultural Alignment
The lack of cultural alignment in organization today can potentially frustrate and depress your workforce. The non-alignment of values and morals shared by the organization with the employees can become a reason for increased attrition rate over time. Therefore, 84% of recruiters believe that cultural fitness is a key factor while evaluating candidates today.
A survey from Glassdoor revealed, 73% of candidates seek to join a company with similar values as them. This refers to the habitability of an employee in the workplace, ability to collaborate, shared goals and aims and other commonalities that attach your employee to your organization.
Cultural fitment assessment becomes an essential tool for recruiters to overcome this recruitment challenge. It is a customization test that can help you assess your candidates on the basis of commonality they morally share with your organization. For a deeper understanding of personality traits, consider using the oceans personality test. It will help you hire candidates who will remain in the organization for a longer period of time.It will help you hire candidates who will remain in the organization for a longer period of time.
Struggle In Identifying The Right Candidate
Monster survey implies that 41% of the hiring managers face tough recruitment challenges in interviewing the candidates. Job interviews are vulnerable to various interview biases. Making an error-less hiring decision becomes difficult for the recruiters.
The right skills and abilities to perform well are not thoroughly assessed through traditional hiring. It becomes difficult for the recruiters to identify candidates who are genuine and enthusiastic about the job role. Identifying the fit-for-role, hence becomes a vital part of the recruitment process.
Qualification and experience must not be the only criteria of choosing the future employees. Therefore, skill tests accompanied by the behavioral interview will help you assess the candidates true personality types and behavior. The soft skills are considered as important as the job-specific skills.
Errors In Traditional Recruitment
Recruiters today are actively shifting from traditional hiring to data led recruitment. However, traditional hiring still persists and are the very reasons for back lashing of many organizations in the competitive talent war.
As per Retorio stats, 64% of candidates share their bad hiring experience with family and friends, while 27% of them do not recommend the company to others. Also, Gen-Z candidates end up being disappointed as the recruitment process does not appeal to their attention.
A survey states, 60% jobseekers quit mid-way due to the long hiring process. Traditional hiring is often lengthy, messy, and inaccurate. The process typically involves various biases and is prone to candidate behavioral deception. It only provides an incomplete picture of the candidate's profile.
Psychometric assessments have earned the batch of accuracy, reliability, and scientific validity. You would not need to worry about obtaining the candidate profiles after the testing. These skill assessments are objective, quick, easy to access, are bias-free and rational. Definitely much better assessor than traditional pen and paper.
Accessing The Best Candidates
Monster surveys state that 46% of hiring managers believe that the pandemic changes are going to stay forever. The unavailability of candidates offline is the current recruitment challenge faced by the decision makers. To access these remote applicants, the hiring team might need to shift their attention towards bettering their recruitment strategy.
Online recruitment is the 3rd most concerned challenge that recruiters wish to overcome. The demand for online hiring solutions is promptly increasing. However, selecting a reliable service provider can still be tough. A quality skill assessment should be easy to understand and administer. It must be proctored, and maybe customized as per the organization requirement.
Can't avoid job Interview Biases?
According to statistics, 41% of hiring managers experienced dilemmas while screening in the job interview in 2021. The candidates come prepared to the interview hall, well-groomed, and confident. This is not just the usual formal presentation; rather it is an opportunity for the candidates to win over the panel members who favor their unconscious and conscious biases more than behavioral evidence.
Behavioral interview questions can aid this recruitment challenge. These structured interview questions are prepared for cross-examining the responses of the candidates. It digs deeper into their conscience revealing the truth ultimately. Keep an eye to the behavioral display of the candidates while they answer the questions. This helps you assess the authenticity of their responses.
Cheating In Online Recruitment Process
Cheating is normal even when your assessment only consists of basic mathematics. Your candidate might try to switch tabs, check notes, or ask people around while attempting your assessment remotely. This adds up to the disadvantage of online recruitment. Thanks to technological advancements, there is a way to aid this concern.
Enable proctoring in the skill assessments to ensure that your candidates are attending aptitude tests honestly. These digital proctors are no less than a real life invigilator. It keeps a check/record of all the malpractices conducted by the candidate throughout the assessment conduction. Proctors add credibility to your psychometric and aptitude assessments.
Accuracy Of Pre-Employment Assessments
As per the 2021 survey of Toggl, 64% hiring managers are concerned about skill assessment. The accuracy of the online assessment test are the primary concern while shifting from traditional to digital. Also, the effectiveness of these assessments to filter candidates are often questioned. After all, if one does not wish to pay a price for no output.
Scientific assessment gauges the core competencies of a candidate as required for the specific job roles. It evaluates the aptitude, logic, and reasoning of the applicants. Therefore, the accuracy of reports are much more detailed profiles of your candidates than any job interviews can obtain. Pre-employment assessments help in sorting candidates with good soft skills as well as job-specific skills.
Worrisome Bulk Of Candidate Influx
As per reports from Ideal, 52% of recruiters believe managing a large pool of candidates is bothersome. Campus hiring typically experiences a huge bulk of candidate influx. It can be strenuous and exhausting for the hiring team. The candidate sorting becomes difficult due to the availability of vast options. The bulk application gets messier to accommodate and evaluate. Recruiters frequently fall short at time management.
The applicant tracking system helps in keeping the updates on candidates progress in the hiring process. The easiest way to assess the candidates quickly is to adopt skill assessments. These thoroughly screen the best candidates as per your preference.
Drained With Cost of Hiring
Zippia's statistics revealed that it takes 12 weeks to specifically prepare the new hires for the organization. Furthermore, it consumes more than 40% of the base salary of existing employees. This expense to align the new hires to the job post is called the cost of hiring. It includes, cost-per-hire, new hire training cost, benefits and arrangement cost, and many other recruitment costs.
Online recruitment tools are mostly cost-efficient and environment-friendly. Since the use of material consumption reduces and saves a basic amount of expense. As per thrive statistics, 68% of recruiters felt investing into advanced recruitment tools will improve their hiring performance.
Furthermore, identifying the weakness and strength of candidates becomes easier through skill assessment. Heavy training and equipment expenses are replaced by cost-efficient focused training plans. A remarkable amount of hiring cost decreases in the overall process.
Sum Up
PMaps as an HR tech service provider commits to help you tackle all the top 10 recruitment challenges of the 21st century. Our psychometric assessments are verified by the Asian psychological association. They are visually engaging and easy for candidates and recruiters to use. The reports we obtain are a thorough and in depth profile of the candidate.
The assessments are equipped with 3 lie scales to gauge the genuineness of the candidate. There are five proctors available that secure your online recruitment. To learn more about our products and services email us at ssawant@pmaps.in, or call on +91 8591320212. You can also opt for a demo with our experts for better understanding.